Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Letter to oneself

"Look, I know it's hard but I don't think it will get any easier from here. My routine is slowly getting disintegrated and, with it, all the traces of my past life.

I look back trying to find a reason for my need to write. I can't find anything. The way human minds fix and erase memories never stops amazing me. I am recovering from the amnesia of a present memory

I think of the times I lived exiled in that huge metropolis. I really try remember how does it feel to be diluted in a crowd, to be part of that wolf that eats her own breeding in order to survive. The weariness and the duties. I know, is not therapeutic to remember the things that are still pending, waiting for someone to accomplish them.

Weariness. Sometimes we feel so unable to deal with this present time that we seclude ourselves between these four walls of our human body. It is necessary that something happens in our lives! And sometimes is ourself that burst and blends into the real world.

Last night I found out that who I was -who I used to be- never existed. Never existed, yet it did happen. My life was a fact, but a fact that wasn´t true. I received true love from alien parents. My name wasn't mine. My story belonged to a group of people that have never seen me before. Their truth -my true story-hurted me more than the lies I have lived with my entire life.

I was expropriated.

How did I know that none of these was really mine?

I often dreamed of a cage. You know, like those cylindrical wire bird cages. This one was inside of a larger cage, which was at the same time inside of an even larger one.

Now I have to leave you forever. I am no longer you.

I often think that we have been looking at those cages for way too long. Even worse, I have the impression that we have been looking at them from outside."